New Article in the Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing (JCAT)


Volume 10 Number 1 February 2023

An Extended Taxonomy of Variants of Computerized Adaptive Testing

by Roy Levy, John T. Behrens, and Robert J. Mislevy

This paper builds on foundational work on probabilistic frames of reference and principled assessment design to explore the role of adaptation in assessment. Assessments are characterized in terms of their claim status, observation status, and locus of control. The relevant claims and observations constitute a frame of discernment for the assessment. Adaptation occurs when the frame is permitted to evolve with respect to the claims or observations (or both); adaptive features may be controlled by the examiner or the examinee. In describing the various combinations of these characteristics, it is argued that an online format is preeminent for supporting common and emerging assessment practices in light of adaptation.

You can download this article from where you can also find copies of all previous JCAT articles. Other new articles, including a multiple-paper Special Issue, are in progress.

If you are currently doing research on CAT or have recently implemented a new CAT program, we would be pleased to consider a manuscript describing your work for publication in JCAT.

Thanks for the continuing interest in JCAT.

Duanli Yan, Editor

David J. Weiss, Editor Emeritus